I got an 8.5lb butt and found a 3.5lb chuck in the freezer. Put the pork on naked and used Wolfe Rub Bold on the chuck. Cooked on the Performer indirect with apple wood. Didn't monitor any temps.
After about 3 hours it was time to foil the chuck. I put it in a pan with a little coke.
The shoulder is getting a nice color already.
5 hours into the cook and the chuck is done and the pork is coming along nicely!
Added a little more Wolfe Rub Bold and then pulled the beef, it was like butter.
The pork was done exactly at the 8 hour mark. Perfectly tender and moist. As I pulled I added Wolfe Rub Original.
The notorious clean bone!
My sandwich with homemade slaw and Texas Pete. Homemade broccoli salad and potato salad.
Nice unplanned cook! Beats my dinner for the last two nights by a long shot! Chuckie and butt! Fantastic!