Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Cow in the House (Part One)

Here is a story written by my 8 year old daughter about our two dogs.  The names of the dogs have been changed to protect their identity! :-) 

The cow in the house part one
By Cathryn Wolfe

We have a dog named Moo & she looks like a cow.
She loves marshmallows.
She likes to lie out in the sun & sunbathe.
She likes to sleep.
She has a friend named Ballboy.
He is a dog.
What dog is he you ask?
He is a yellow lab.
He is more golden.
He is crazy.
He is time to time.
But he is sweet &soft.
Some times he is calm.
Moo & Ballboy are great friends .

And that is the end of this story.

Here is Moo and Ballboy!

Till next time bye.

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