Took my daughter to Frontier Days yesterday morning.......ugh, then came home and cut the grass finally. My wife wanted steak and me and Cathryn decided on fish. Halibut was on sale, but they were out so my wife got tilapia. Grilled it along with a bunch of veggies to keep things healthy!
Started off with a russet potato for my wife, sweet potato for me and Cat, along with red onion and carrots marinated in Italian Dressing.
Then added a red bell pepper that was also marinated in Italian Dressing.
Then added the steak and a couple minutes later the fish, which was marinated in Italian Dressing and Wolfe Rub Citrus.
Finally a little Bok Choy that was marinated in Teriyaki sauce.
Dinner is ready.
My plate, Cathryn's was identical! My healthy little baby!! We both sprinkled Wolfe Rub Original on the sweet potato and carrots, YUM!
